Collage athlete, more precisely — a bowler.
And let’s start with saying that I have never been a very good college player.
I missed more spares than most, I never bowled well on fresh and not always found a good shot on burn.
I led the very first team try out, made the travel team, traveled, did not perform too well, did not travel next semester.
Looking back I see myself blaming any misfortunate on the environment, not often finding solutions to why things had gone wrong. If I bowled bad, okay I bowled bad, maybe I will bowl better next time.
College for me was early mornings, a lot of bowling, self growth, workouts, discipline, schoolwork, friendships, late trips to Walmart and too much bacon for breakfast. Throughout 4 years at Webber International I had failed many times. I let the team down, I missed spares, I caused some troubles, I was hit with the baseball bat, I overslept for a tournament, I had a knee surgery… but I also stroke when it was needed, I learnt how to show emotions on the approach, I made some spares, I learnt what hard work truly means, I committed, I never gave up, I graduated as ITC National Champion.
What got me to where I am is the change of thinking: from convincing myself to challenging myself. I changed ‘why’ to ‘why not’ because instead of holding on to what I had and playing defense I went all in.
My senior year I put a brace on my hand, cut down a good amount of rev rate, worked on my shoulders, worked on ball motion, practiced spares, felt awful, cried at times, had good days, had bad days, kicked things when no-one was looking, smiled because that 1 shot felt really good, I was angry, I was frustrated, I was determined to get better.
Going into ITC TV show I wasn’t sharp, my game was still off and in the process, I did not feel like myself and the changes still felt uncomfortable. My ball roll wasn’t good, my backswing was too high and my follow through was everywhere, all I really had was a big heart, huge determination urge to be on the lanes and the most dedicated team.
If I had to summarize, the scariest is the transition from one self to the other, the transition when we have no ground beneath our legs, where all that leads us is the faith that there is something greater in us and the belief that all it takes is hard work and commitment. The belief that everything makes a difference and being better than yesterday is what will pay off one day.
Sometimes it is good to seat down and clear eyed look back in the past because perspective comes only when we are humble enough to admit that maybe we were wrong.
I will forever be thankful that I was a part of college bowling
I am not where I dream of being, I may never get there but as for now… I so enjoy the journey.
Thank you very much for reading,
thank you for the support,
Much love